Regional Fiber Optic Network Assessment and Design
Broadband Availability Maps/Data
FCC Broadband Coverage Map: Fixed Broadband Deployment Data Federal Communications Commission
Penn State University Study: Broadband Availability and Access in Rural Pennsylvania
DCED Broadband Resources: Broadband Resources - PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Center for Rural PA: "Broadband Availability and Access in Rural Pennsylvania": Broadband_Availability_and_Access_in_Rural_Pennsylvania_2019_Report.pdf (palegislature.us)
Grant Resources
Center for Rural PA: Grants/Mini Grants Program - The Center for Rural PA
PA Department of Community & Economic Development: Broadband Resources - PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Federal Resources
US Economic Development Administration (EDA) U.S. Economic Development Administration (eda.gov)
US Department of Agriculture: Telecom Programs | Rural Development (usda.gov)
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC): Investing in Appalachia's economic future. - Appalachian Regional Commission (arc.gov)
ARC POWER Initiative: ARC's POWER Initiative - Appalachian Regional Commission
US Department of Education: Connectivity - Office of Educational Technology
Local Organizations and Partnerships