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Cambria County Request Proposals for Broad Equity

The County of Cambria, Pennsylvania, welcomes internet service providers to submit proposals to deploy high-speed internet broadband to unserved and underserved areas within Cambria County.

Cambria County Commissioners are requesting proposals for the layout, design, specifications and implementation of providing fiber optic broadband internet service in underserved areas of Cambria County. The purpose of the RFP is to seek innovative or traditional broadband solutions from one or more Proposers presenting one or multiple solutions to expand fiber optic broadband availability. Proposer(s) must include in their reply a plan to connect the Cambria County 9-1-1 emergency telecommunications radio tower system together with the fiber optic solution. Inclusive of this is no fewer than twelve (12) irrevocable strands of fiber optic cable and supporting hardware/software to all 9-1-1 radio tower locations employed in the 9-1-1 radio system and other selected sites as dictated by Cambria County to insure interconnectivity of the 9-1-1 radio system.

The County is offering indirect support, such as supplemental data, conducting public engagement, and letters of support to qualified and committed private or public sector partners to support deployment of the infrastructure necessary to meet the requirements of the RFP. The selected provider will act/serve as the grant agent. The project is also meant to support private investment to expanding fiber optic broadband services. The County does not intend to operate the network enterprise it supports through this process. The network enterprise will be owned and operated by the selected Proposer, and/or Proposer’s subcontractor, as per the contract(s) to be negotiated with the County.

Respondents will provide a detailed accounting of their history, capability, available resources, and proposed methodology to achieve the desired goal of designing and constructing a system capable of delivering broadband service with preference given to deliverables of up to 100 mbps download and 100 mbps upload, but no less than 100 mbps download and 20mbps upload to the unserved and underserved constituents (including but not limited to municipalities, households, businesses, schools, etc.) of that region using the most reliable and scalable technology available. The selected technology must be fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) unless otherwise approved by Cambria County.

Proposals will be accepted through Tuesday, May 30, by 3 p. m. EST.

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